Mac SE
A hardware upgrade to Mac SEs, complete with state-of-the-art dot matrix printers. HBO Cinemax CBS CBS Radio CBS News Panasonic Technics Sony ...
A hardware upgrade to Mac SEs, complete with state-of-the-art dot matrix printers. HBO Cinemax CBS CBS Radio CBS News Panasonic Technics Sony ...
Clients give us the nickname G&K as we go digital with the purchase of the hot new Apple Macintosh Plus computers (with a whopping 256 KB of RAM) and ReadySetGo page layout software from Letraset. Nielsen Bainbridge ...
Glazer and Kalayjian lands its first financial services client – U.S. Trust – developing materials for high net worth investors in two languages. ABC (American Broadcasting Company) ABC Radio Network US Trust Bur ...
Another move to a larger office space, now with a staff of six (and a shiny new fax machine to wow our Wall Street clients!). ...
Glazer and Kalayjian expands to a team of four and moves into bigger premises. Letraset Nielsen Bainbridge Burlington ...
Glazer and Kalayjian Design is founded. The agency’s first assignment is to develop branding and promotional materials for NBC’s coverage of the Olympic Games, as well as a number of projects for the Young Presidents ...
Terry Glazer and Vasken Kalayjian meet while employed in the advertising and promotions department at NBC in New York. NBC The Source Rockefeller Plaza ...