GK Design

Clients have already nicknamed us “GK Design” so why fight it? GK is added as part of the logo and identity.

While doing a vision quest with a shaman, John P. Milton, Vasken Kalayjian meets former Shell executives Adam Kahane and Joseph Jaworski, who headed Shell’s Scenario Planning team. The book The Living Company by Arie de Geus inspires him to think about the habits of survival in a turbulent business environment through the practice of “Scenario Planning”, along with the work of Pierre Wack, the unconventional French oil executive who was the first to develop the use of scenario planning in the private sector, at Royal Dutch Shell’s London headquarters in the 1970s. Jaworski’s book Synchronicity: The Inner Path of Leadership, with an introduction by Peter Senge, continues to be an inspiration.

This is also the year that a new tradition is born at GK Design: “Helping Hands” provides heavily discounted services to select nonprofit organizations, and especially those focusing on children, women, the homeless and the environment. The first of such clients include:
Ben-Gurion University
The Armenian Diocese
Cystic Fibrosis Foundation
Hippy USA
Lighthouse International
Stilllpoint Farm
World Conference of Religions for Peace